Network Maintenance


The job doesn't end with the equipment installed and commissioned. Every network needs to be monitored, managed and maintained.

Trylon experienced and restless maintenance teams since sixteen years on the Romanian market are providing high quality services:

  • Preventive maintenance activities and site control.

  • Corrective maintenance activities by replacing of the faulty equipment, replacing parts to ensure that the system back on line as fast is possible.

  • Emergency intervention with mobile generators on the site location, essential in the event of a power outage.

  • Incident management - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Our maintenance crews are fully equipped with test gear and common replacement parts to ensure we get your system back on line as quickly as possible.

We supply and install site-monitoring equipment and can integrate our equipment into the customer's existing network management system, or supply and install a dedicated management, control and monitoring system all over the country.

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